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April 2024: What’s new on the ABCP Platform

#ABCP_2.0 (tags used before: #abcp_TS #abcp_TS-2)

  • A large number of modifications and improvements has been made in ABCP2.0. Changes have been implemented in the following sections: orders, cash register, delivery, warehouse, goods receipts, reports, API.


  • Improvements in delivery via Versta 24: 
    • When opening a delivery draft, the overdue shipment readiness date is updated to the date of the current draft view.
    • A lot of improvements were made to delivery in the shopping cart based on the feedback from the first users of this option. 


  • Support for used goods from new type of price lists has been added in YML and Avito generation - the result of generation includes item’s condition and external links to images. 
  • The display of delivery times for generation of tabular price lists has been improved. Now a fixed delivery time can be specified in the generation settings. 
  • A new “Priority source of product description” - “Price list + extended description + product parameters” setting option has been refined for Avito generation. Titles and descriptions of offers are formed differently for this type, unlike the previously developed ones. 
  • A more accurate translation of tags in the description of the ad has been configured for Avito generation. 
  • The extension of the dummy image has been updated for YML, Avito and GMC generations depending on the type of its own image server. 


  • It is no longer necessary for employees to fill in the Email field in the notifications settings if the Telegram channel (group) ID is specified. 


  • The logic of used goods displaying has been improved in editable catalogs: in the catalog settings in the “Edit Root Catalog” tab, there is now an item “Used goods processing” with a choice of which goods to show - new and used, only new, only used. 
  • You can now manually add items to the catalog root regardless of the catalog type in editable catalogs. 
  • The message when there is no applicability data from catalogs has been improved. 
  • The main page of the Parts Catalog has been updated. It is now possible to make a link with a preset brand. 
  • A search by vehicle license plate number has been added to the Laximo catalog. The functionality can be enabled or disabled in the catalog settings. 


  • The check calculation subject is now automatically set to “Payment” in the check settings for Komtet online payments with the “100% Prepay” and “Partial Prepay” payment methods.


  • A new “My Car” widget is available in template №34. The widget shows the favorite (i.e. top of the garage list) car of an authorized buyer, and the guest is visually notified about the necessity of logging in. It is enabled by default for all websites on template №34. The widget can be enabled or disabled in the “Customer Garage” settings. 


  • It is now possible to increase the speed of data exchange via API with the new operation of batch retrieving order status changes — GET cp/orders/statusHistory.
  • A new operation of supplier copying has been implemented — POST cp/distributor/copy. The operation allows you to completely copy the price list configuration settings and all routes. Please familiarize yourself with the limits of the operation before using it. 
  • The process of merging orders 1.0 via API with a new operation has been implemented — POST cp/order/merge.
  • The uploaded file size in the UsrCat API ImportCatalog operation has been increased to 100MB. 


  • Statistics on working with manufacturers’ data in April:
    • brands added — 58;
    • brand descriptions added — 112;
    • articles added — 173710;
    • product images added — 115604; 
    • cross references added — 3906670.


  • A new separator for links with pictures (i.e. space) has been added for uploading used goods price lists to the configuration of the condition. 
  • The file converter from xml has been refined to allow specifying links to pictures for used goods. It is used when uploading price lists. 
  • The system of reading of price list files from suppliers has been improved.
  • The mail processing on ABCP mail server has been improved. 
  • The sorting by popularity and rating has been added to the supplier directory in the Control Panel. 
  • New online suppliers have been added:
    • WIRSUP
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