New options were added to exporting to Avito, improvements to My Catalogs, “ABCP Manager” bot for notifications from Control Panel via Telegram, website features, auto...
New design template, caching of requests to Laximo, replication of supplier routes between store, franchisee, and head office, new Overpay payment system, and much...
Updates in the bonus system, website setup, export to marketplaces, new catalog type, payment systems, suppliers, and much more on ABCP in November.
Many improvements have been made for users’ convenience, refinements for exporting to Avito, Ya.Market and other platforms, new API operations, brands, suppliers, and...
Summary information on items’ statuses in the customer data card, cryptocurrency, improved price list generation for Avito and Ozon, new brands and suppliers and other...
Additional information on used goods, extended tags for different product categories, notifications to employees in case of errors, and other improvements in price...
New price lists’ type for used goods generation in YML and Avito, loading of price lists with used goods has been improved, the websites’ design and Control Panel...
Updates for suppliers of used goods, improvements in delivery process as well as in search by license plate number, price lists generation in Ya.Market, export and...
Updates in integrations with marketplaces — always up-to-date availability in Ozon, customization of internet calls in Avito, more features in ABCP API and other...