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We have been cooperating with ABCP since 2011. No complaints have been raised over this long period. Technical support always promptly and adequately solves any problems.

We wish ABCP success in business development and economic stability.


In sales of auto parts, we are still amateurs, but in a short period of time, the ABCP platform helps us grow our business at a rapid pace.

At first, we doubted that we had made the right choice. But after talking with one of the “competitors” of ABCP and asking him in time the question “Are you better than ABCP?” Silence sounded)))

The constant help of technical support is pleasing - they solve any issues: from setting up mail and downloading price lists, to connecting payment systems on the site, technical support employees constantly help us in developing their platform. THERE WERE NO SUCH QUESTIONS FOR ABCP TECHNICAL SUPPORT TO NOT SOLVE THEM!

I am glad the connection of SMS informing customers about orders. Everything is very simple and clear, there is ABCP Wiki documentation in which everything is chewed to the smallest detail.

Our company is very pleased with the choice of ABCP!

Armada Trading House has been cooperating with ABCP since the end of 2016. Previously, we used our own developments, but development in conditions of high competition on the Internet is often difficult, expensive and economically inexpedient.

We accidentally found the ABCP platform, searched for a rare spare part on the Internet and, noting the similarities between the search site and our partner - TIS group of companies. The convenience of working with their online store on the client side has become the main argument in deciding on cooperation.

The low price threshold of the "entry" and the instant start of the site is a huge plus. For example, maintaining the staff of at least one IT specialist costs at least fifty thousand rubles, and renting at a minimum rate is three thousand nine hundred rubles.

At the initial filling of the online store, we watched a video on the youtube channel of the ABCP platform, where the main points of setting up the site were chewed up. Useful video on SEO - at first they didn’t attach importance, but, using practical tips, the increase in traffic and traffic was not long in coming.

For more than two years of operation, our site did not work just once, and that was due to an accident and the problem was fixed in a couple of hours. Technical support staff help with almost any issue. There is a chat community in a telegram where you can find useful information for development.

The ABCP platform provides and is constantly refining the functionality with the help of which both the effectiveness of managers working with the control panel and the conversion of clients are increased. Phone calls are minimized and, basically, are now needed only at the first contact with customers.

We have been working with ABCP since the summer of 2012. We developed a website for our company on the dates that were promised, and did not disappoint further. I like the fact that technical support works quickly. It’s also good that the guys constantly bring new ideas to life.


EUROPART got acquainted with ABCP team three years ago, when we had began to select software provider to replace our outdated online store. The acquaintance phase we skipped very quickly: from the first meeting to the signing of the contract, no more than 2 weeks passed. Decision on our part was very fast (which is not the least because of the relatively low risks of the SaaS model).

Honestly, at first we almost avoided any paid upgrades to the platform, trying to do what we can with our own hands (the benefit of the platform provides certain opportunities for customization by the client’s hands, if, of course, company has qualified staff). But time goes by, at some point the question arose about the deep integration of the platform with corporate ERP. And here we were once again pleasantly surprised. First, the ABCP team is able to withstand the technical requirements and promised deadlines. Secondly, ABCP team constantly insures the client against errors or fast conclusions. For example, if it is found that the ways of solving the business problem outlined in the task statement are not optimal, counter proposals immediately arrive. This leads, in the end, to saving money and time. Having in my staff own development team, I understand how difficult it is to organize work in this way.

EUROPART wishes the ABCP team good luck and hopes that our partnership will only grow stronger every year.


ABCP has a very professional team. They are open to discuss and fulfill customer’s requirements. They continuously improve their service. We are happy with their customer service. Highly recommended!