Auto parts cross reference platform

Upgrade your website with our powerful REST API
  • The largest knowledge base of cross-references.
  • Product characteristics and images.
  • Daily data update.
  • Easy integration.
ABCP.API — access to auto parts data for your business.
The service works in the RESTful API format that can be used in any applications, sites and WEB services.

Basic tariffs for using the service

The table indicates the limits on the maximum frequency of the function call in the format M - H - D (min - hour - day)

API Crosses 2 API Crosses 3 API Crosses 4 API Crosses 5
Initial payment, $ 1665
Subscription fee, $ 230 400 600 820
Query part info (with crosses)
API-method: articles/info
340-3400-17000 680-6800-34000 1360-13600-68000 4080-40800-204000
Search brands by part-number
API-method: search/brands
340-3400-17000 680-6800-34000 1360-13600-68000 4080-40800-204000
Reference brand names
API-method: articles/brands
100-100-100 100-100-100 100-100-100 100-100-100
Search tips
API-method: search/tips
640-6400-34000 1360-13600-68000 2720-27200-136000 8160-81600-408000

* The service is activated only upon conclusion of an agreement. The service can not be provided under the offer agreement.