September 2020: Platform ABCP news

What we have done in September:


  • Introduction of the option to check time of the calls to the auto callback module. Now if the incorrect data about the need to call back is entered into the auto callback module the call will not be made if the missed call is considered to be outdated.
  • The line indication has been added to the missed calls report.
  • The search of the client card by name has been improved. Now if the client’s name includes any number (phone number, code etc.) this value will also be taken into account during the search.
  • When searching a client by an order you can now go directly to this order by clicking the order number (as well as you can go to a client’s card by clicking the name of the client found by their order).
  • The “Orders” unit in the client’s card has been improved. The item’s description, amount and the sum for the given item have been added.


  • Introduction of the option to roll back the acceptance operation if the received goods had already been booked.
  • Introduction of the new "Shipments" and "Returns" tabs in the user's personal area of the website.
  • Introduction of the new print setting: print timeout. This setting allows to avoid printing out of the outdated documents.
  • The information on a country of origin of the consignment being written off was added to the printing forms of the Expenditures operation.
  • New comments' variables were added for the printing form "received item's sticker".
  • New printing forms "price tag" and "list of price tags" are available in consignments and acceptance.


  • The new option “Yes, for the second and subsequent delivery address” was added to the option “Basket: forbid creation of a new delivery address”.


  • The new parameter TIN was added to the clients import from the file.
  • The record of the new “Email” input box has been added to the guest to client conversion.


  • The information on employees adding or replacing order items has been added to the reports from orders processing.
  • The filter for source of sales and split by these sources has been added to the “Sales Dynamics” report. You can see sales via catalogues, SEO-2 etc.


  • The new access permission to API regulating the /orders/list operation has been added.


  • The variable with shipment date has been added to the printing forms on one order.


  • The new version of Yandex.Delivery widget is available for customization in the CP (Control Panel).


  • The new option to set duration of every operation has been added to the car services module.


  • Introduction of the new option “Control panel: orders processing - group filters by colon”. It allows to split filters into several tabs.
  • Information on the orders and items added or edited by employees was added to the detailed information on the order.
  • If an employee is the creator of the order item (e.g. he formed the order for the client or edited the item) their name will now appear on the order’s item.
  • The input boxes for automatic change calculations have been added to the window of adding the payment in orders and payments.
  • The new option of editing the comment to the item by the client after creating the order has been added.
  • The new option “Basket: show attribute “carry the whole order”. If the client ticks “carry the whole order” this attribute will be displayed in user’s private area, CP (Control Panel) and via the API, as well as it will be blocking the split of the orders through the option “Orders: split by suppliers”. Новая опция "Корзина: показывать признак "Везти заказ целиком"”. 
  • Two new permissions were created: editing notes for the order and regulating the permissions of status change.
  • Introduction of the new option to turn off new order email notification.


  • Filter by brands has been added to search results by description. 
  • The brand information window’s functioning has been boosted. Now the data loads instantly regardless of the number of search results.


  • The automatic binding of the VIN-request to the order’s item has been added when the manager creates both the request and the order for the client.


  • Settings of all product groups catalogues are now displayed separately from other catalogues.
  • With the first click on sort by term the sorting by term is being done in the ascending order (not in the descending order as before).
  • The new option of including all brands in the product groups catalogues has been added. If you select all brands and save the settings of a certain catalogue then new brands that you add to the catalogue will automatically appear in the catalogue on your website. There is no more need to check and include new brands in the catalogues.
  • The hiding settings for all tabs have been added to the settings of tyre-plate catalogues (car tyres and plates, moto tyres and truck tyres). For example, when you turn off all tabs apart from the truck ones, the tabs are not displayed at all. Displaying of the tyre-plate calculator tab can be turned off and on in the settings of the car tyre catalogue.
  • The belt type profile description was added to the ribbed belts catalogue.


  • New catalogues were added: Jumper cables.


  • Autosplit for words separated by commas was added to the filling of the filter settings for the price list in the “Suppliers” interface.
  • The information on refund retentions was added to the products description text for the supplier.
  • The options: “item’s id”, “item’s id + order №” and “item’s id” + order № + client’s name” were added to the setting “Transfer to the supplier in comments to the order” for the supplier.
  • The setting “Trust the official dealer attribute” was added to the supplier. It displays the attribute in the search and in the basket.
  • New online suppliers were added:
  • Lubrimex
  • GlobalZap
  • AvtoOptSibir
  • ETS group

What will be done in the near future:


  • The option of entering the marking code (mandatory for selling tyres from the 1st of November 2020) will be added to the cash integration. There is a separate news post about that.


  • The delivery requests forwarding will be implemented for courier delivery service KOMTET.Cash.


  • The option “Basket: replace the comment to the order with a note” will be implemented. It will help not to lose long comments with links that Yandex employees leave in orders when monitoring the Market shops.


  • New “Clients’ cars export” report will be added to the reports.


  • The new “Return to the supplier” operation will be developed.
  • There will be an option to create any necessary number of active contracts between legal entities of the shop and legal entities of its contractors.
  • The new “Product groups” report will be developed for filling in the directory of TS products with product groups being taken into account. It is necessary for work with different taxation systems and marking.
  • The record of the client order’s formation process with separate zonez, spots, printing forms and operation statuses taken into account will be added to the TS Expenditure operation.
  • The record of the product groups will be added to the TS products import from the file.
  • The variable {CURRENCY_SHORT_NAME} with short currency names (rur, kzt, etc.) will be added for printing forms of TS “Expenditure”.
  • In the TS product acceptance the display of product group will be added with an option of editing. It is necessary for work with different taxation systems and marking.
  • The option of changing the storages for product write-off in the Expenditure operation will be implemented.
  • The change of status will be made bound up with the order item when finishing the return from the client. It will allow to correctly recalculate order debt and client’s balance.


  • The record of employees who send receipts as the cashiers will be added to the cash settings.


  • Yandex will be added to the list of social networks available for client’s login to the website.

The end

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About Trademark Infringement

We inform you that using third-party catalogs with the logos of the company Mobis Parts you are violating the right to use the trademarks KIA, Hyundai, Mobis, Genesis.
