New options were added to exporting to Avito, improvements to My Catalogs, “ABCP Manager” bot for notifications from Control Panel via Telegram, website features, auto...
Advanced settings for the Laximo catalog, full support for FDF 1.2 in Comtet integration, settings for managing your own image server, and many more developments on...
Additional information on used goods, extended tags for different product categories, notifications to employees in case of errors, and other improvements in price...
Updates for suppliers of used goods, improvements in delivery process as well as in search by license plate number, price lists generation in Ya.Market, export and...
Protection from automakers’ brand monitors, a new type of stock generation for Avito, improvements to directories, API for messengers. These and other improvements to...
The price lists uploading to Sbermegamarket and Avito has been updated for car parts online stores, product id for Ecommerce Google has been set, new filters have been...
New options are available for car parts online stores on the ABCP Platform: Stripe payment system, Viber notifications, new reports, as well as in orders, price lists,...
Car parts online stores development in June — new options and new functionality in the following sections: online till, finance, orders, CRM and much more. Read more...
New functionality for car parts stores: inventory control, delivery, till, suppliers, orders, reports, forms, improving the convenience and interface of some sections...
Summer results and improvements on ABCP in August: results of the quiz and the contest, new functional and catalogues, SEO indexes for websites on the Platform were...