Updates in the bonus system, website setup, export to marketplaces, new catalog type, payment systems, suppliers, and much more on ABCP in November.
Reduction of price list generation cost, increase of warehouse limits, more features and new functionality, catalogs of auto products, suppliers and brands every month...
Pay2me payment system was integrated, catalogs were added, checkout, order and search settings were updated, options were developed, new suppliers were connected and...
Price lists upload for Ali Express and TELR and ARCA payment systems have been updated, Sberbank in Kazakhstan has been turned into Bereke Bank now and other...
New options are available for car parts online stores on the ABCP Platform: Stripe payment system, Viber notifications, new reports, as well as in orders, price lists,...
Car parts online stores development in June — new options and new functionality in the following sections: online till, finance, orders, CRM and much more. Read more...
New functionality for car parts stores: inventory control, delivery, till, suppliers, orders, reports, forms, improving the convenience and interface of some sections...
New functional for car parts sales: warehouse accounting - finances and orders, as well as improved catalogues, online checkouts, forms, improvements in the suppliers...
An improved format for uploading to Yandex.Market has been developed, new suppliers have been added, work with receipts for marked goods has been simplified and much...
New features for car parts stores in December: “Orders” and “Finance” are open to beta-users, the search was refined, working process with Google Merchant Center and...