New options were added to exporting to Avito, improvements to My Catalogs, “ABCP Manager” bot for notifications from Control Panel via Telegram, website features, auto...
Many improvements have been made for users’ convenience, refinements for exporting to Avito, Ya.Market and other platforms, new API operations, brands, suppliers, and...
Summary information on items’ statuses in the customer data card, cryptocurrency, improved price list generation for Avito and Ozon, new brands and suppliers and other...
What December 2023 pleased online auto parts stores with on ABCP: big delivery update, new catalogs and suppliers, expansion of acquiring services, updating of Control...
Best delivery offers in a single window, minimum order amount per profile as well as per individual buyer, Telegram in CRM, different improvements in editable catalogs...
In July, new catalogs, suppliers, functions in the control panel and store websites became available for auto parts stores on ABCP, works on the bonus system and ABCP...
Protection from automakers’ brand monitors, a new type of stock generation for Avito, improvements to directories, API for messengers. These and other improvements to...
New functionality has been developed for car parts online stores in sections of orders, finance, delivery, new suppliers were added, etc.
Car parts online stores development in June — new options and new functionality in the following sections: online till, finance, orders, CRM and much more. Read more...
An improved format for uploading to Yandex.Market has been developed, new suppliers have been added, work with receipts for marked goods has been simplified and much...