October 2022: What’s new on the ABCP Platform

What has been done in October:


  • The work is being continued in the new TS modules, changes have been implemented in the following sections: acceptance, payments, returns to suppliers, API, etc. 
  • Uploading of generated price lists for Ali Express has been improved.
  • The formatting of fields with dates was changed in YML generation of all types.


  • We have removed the searched uncleared number from the table of search results by number.


  • the version of the TELR payment system has been updated.
  • ARCA payment system now works on IPAY 3DS2 system.
  • Sberbank payment system in Kazakhstan is now Bereke Bank. We have updated the integration.
  • Support of new currencies has been implemented.


  • Support of IS_DELIVERY_COST variable has been added in order to implement the scheme of “If the cost of delivery is zero, do not output a string” condition”.


  • Total amount and a filter by date have been added to the Service Details (Conttrol Panel - My Account - Service Details). 


  • Refund of online payment to the client in Control Panel has been refined.


  • Now the client creation form matches its settings (Appearance and content - Forms). 


  • The logic of delivery address zones has been updated. Now picking time from the route is not taken into account (replaced) only for those addresses that have a specified zone.


  • New operation for the upload of the user catalogue POST /usercatalogs/{catalogId}/upload has been developed.
  • A cross validity sign has been added to the article/info operation.


  • Statistics on working with manufacturers’ data in October:
    • Brands added — 95;
    • Brand descriptions added — 109;  
    • Articles added — 58017;
    • Product images added — 37531; 
    • Cross references added — 1575109.


  • Supplier creation form now matches its settings (Appearance and content — Forms).
  • Online suppliers filtering warehouses have been added to routes unloading
  • “Overhead for unknown weight” field has been added to the supplier route, edits were made to the markup calculator.
  • New online suppliers have been added:
    • MVM Parts
    • Auto-Aliance
    • Tranzit-Oil
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