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August 2024: What’s new on the ABCP Platform

#ABCP_2.0 (tags used before:  #abcp_TS #abcp_TS-2)

  • A large number of modifications and improvements have been made in ABCP 2.0. Changes have been implemented in the following sections: warehouse, orders, goods receipts, returns to suppliers, and others. 


  • The algorithm for collecting statistics of search queries has been updated. A link to the consumption of search queries by each franchisee has been added to the “Search queries” column in the service details, now the number of queries is displayed in the franchisee table in the “Search queries (consumed)” column.
  • A new filter by the “pending” status has been added to the points/list API operation in the bonus system for filtering realization in the report on the funds' movement. 


  • The “Display Payment System for orders containing only items” option has been added to the settings of payment systems. The option allows you to choose which warehouses the payment system will be displayed for payment of orders from. The option works in tandem with the “Orders: split by supplier” option. If both options are enabled, when there are items from different warehouses in the cart, several orders will be formed at checkout, so that one order will contain items from only one warehouse, and each order will have its own payment system.
  • The PAY2ME payment system widget has been updated. 


  • The xlsx import has been updated for editable catalogs. 


  • When creating Versta24 settings for the first time, the “SMS informing of the recipient” service is enabled by default for the end customer’s convenience.


  • The printing form of the agreement with the customer in docx format has been added. The printing form of the contract in xlsx has been left temporarily available and will be removed soon. It is recommended that you transfer your contracts to the convenient docx format.


  • Broadcasting of purchase price from the source price list into “Yandex.Market DBS, FBY, FBS” YML has been implemented. The purchase price is broadcast into the purchase_price tag and is used for correct reporting on profitability on Yandex.Market and setting up discounts and promotions. 
  • The upload of product dimensions has been improved to display them more correctly in the YML generation by Yandex.Market DBS, FBY, FBS and AliExpress formats. 
  • The algorithm of multiplicity formation in generation for Megamarket has been updated - quantity is added to the name, and price is for the whole set. 
  • The algorithm for filling in the characteristics of goods has been updated by Avito and GMC in the YML generation. Characteristics are pulled with brand groups being taken into account. 
  • For Avito generation:
    • broadcasting of new mandatory tags for wiper blades has been added;
    • default category for cargo parts has been changed;
    • the category tree has been expanded, and tags for “Luggage racks and Towbars” and “Transmissions and drives” categories have been added;
    • the separators in the volumes of liquids have been replaced at the request of the marketplace;
    • texts for the TireType tag have been changed.
  • Filtering by words in the description for Ozon generation has been updated.
  • The prices in price tag for YML are now rounded up to integer and passed to feed without fractional part.
  • The library of xlsx price lists forming has been updated.
  • The code for editing the export configuration has been updated.
  • The generated price list upload to ftp has been updated.


  • The option to display photos of products in the order table has been added for the online payment page. It is enabled by the “Images: show images of goods in cart and personal account” option. 
  • Filtering of goods by brand has been implemented in the customer’s personal account on the website in the orders archive. 

#abcp_cp #abcp_cp_options

  • The option to check consecutive checkboxes by holding the Shift button has been implemented in the control panel and in the cart on the website. Currently, it works in the “Orders”, “Customers”, “Staff - Offices”, “Appearance and content - Files” and “Customization of search results view” sections of the Control Panel.
  • The customization of the second-stage search results’ view has been updated. Now own custom order of search results blocks can be set (previously there were only 3 specific block orders to choose from). 
  • The order of setting up the link between the Head Office and franchisee statuses has been changed when the “Set the status in the franchisee’s order depending on the status in the Head Office’s order” option is enabled in the Head Office settings.  Now the link is fully customizable in Setup -> Statuses -> Franchisee. 
  • Quick access to the options responsible for the columns of the second stage of the search has been made available (Settings -> Search management -> Customize search results view). To call the options, click on the gear icon in the desired column. Changes are applied immediately in a pop-up window. 


  • The check for the number of items to be sent to the order has been added for POST basket/order and POST orders/instant operations and the limit has been set to 500 items. 
  • The algorithm for the error processing in the /orders/instant operation has been updated. The error occurs when incorrect input data is sent.
  • The limits for ajax/article_info operation have been extended.


  • Statistics on working with manufacturers’ data in August:
    • brands added — 59;
    • brand descriptions added — 116;
    • articles added — 92365;
    • product images added — 44503; 
    • cross references added — 831153.


  • The option to select the cleared item number (i.e. the number without separators, which differs from the reference numbers in the knowledge base) when forming the template of the letter with the order has been implemented for sending orders to the supplier by e-mail. It is used if the supplier uses their own format of goods numbers and requires to use the same format when forming orders. 
  • Outdated configurations of price list suppliers have been updated.
  • New online suppliers have been added:
    • PowerStop
    • Academy
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