Supplier Global Technical Services

Description: Supplier:

Peculiarities: For proper work, you need to have the API access to the supplier's web-service of searching goods. It can be obtained by contacting your manager at the supplier. You should enter a login and password in the supplier's system in supplier's settings in Control Panel.
Please note that the password must be in MD5 format.
After entering the password in the field, click the MD5 button once, it will be automatically converted to the required format, and then click the "Save" button.
If you have access and follow the instructions, this supplier will become available.

You can check the work of the supplier by entering the part number in the "Test search" field.
In case of successful connection of the supplier, you will be able to select a brand and get the search result by part number and brand.

"Global Technical Services" LLP
Our company sells spare parts for passenger cars, wholesale and retail. We supply spare parts for foreign cars. Each of you can be confident in the professionalism of your personal managers in the selection of automobile spare parts and its technical maintenance. To enjoy driving, it is important to buy only high-quality auto parts. To date, we have gained enormous experience and more than 10 thousand satisfied customers. We confidently declare that you will not regret contacting our online store. We will be happy to help in the selection of auto parts for vehicle maintenance. Advise on technical nuances so that you get exceptional pleasure from spending time behind the wheel of your car.

Office address: Atyrau, st. Syrym Datova 165
+7 (701) 540 06 51,
+7 (701) 540 06 52
Communication types:
  • Online search
  • Price-list
  • Online-order
  • Sync statuses
  • Acceptance from invoice