If you are looking for a reliable partner in the supply of auto parts, then LEOPART.kz is:
Search for spare parts all over the WORLD and in the database of more than 100 suppliers in KAZAKHSTAN.
OPTIMAL PRICES for spare parts with reasonable delivery times.
MINIMUM DELIVERY cost compared to competitors.
INSTANTLY placing ORDERS with spare parts suppliers around the world.
Always CURRENT STATUS of spare parts and their PROMPT TRACKING from the moment of order to the moment of delivery (dispatch across Kazakhstan) to you.
Advanced FINANCIAL REPORTING system. You are always aware of the movement of your funds.
Convenient WORK OFFICE in which you can view your invoices, orders, deliveries and other equally important information.
Convenient viewing of WORK HISTORY with flexible search (by spare part number, by spare part name, order number, invoice number, date, etc.)
A powerful company PARTNER tool that allows you to create and develop YOUR NETWORK OF CLIENTS, earning money from sales of spare parts in your network.
Working with us is not only CONVENIENT, but also PROFITABLE!
Office address: Almaty, Sairan Microdistrict, 17 (Almaty Taxi Base)