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June 2021: What’s new on the ABCP Platform

What have been done in June:


  • It is planned to transfer the Platform core to the new equipment on July 10th, 2021. The equipment has been prepared, technical adjustments have been made, the load is being transferred gradually. The transfer will increase the Platform’s fault tolerance in case of emergency situations in the data center network infrastructure.
  • According to a new work plan, some internal services have been transferred to new equipment.


  • Periods of “Bonuses for Friends”, “Online Offer” and “5=6” promotions have been extended.
  • The quiz was held, 30 prizes were raffled off in a lottery and gifts were presented to the Platform’s heroes of the day in honor of the sixteenth anniversary of the company. Cash gifts have already been transferred and now a work plan for marketing and SEO audit of the websites is being drawn up for those 10 participants who won this prize.


  • The storage system for additional contacts of counterparties has been simplified: the objects of the counterparties’ companies and their employees have been excluded.
  • The “Total amount with delivery” line has been added to the client edit page and to the new card.


  • OnlinePBX has been transferred to API v2.

#abcp_TS #abcp_returns

  • The option to add items from shipment operation to customer return.


  • Batch printing of price tags on a sticker printer.
  • Storage and management of information of shop’s legal entities and its counterparties have been reworked. Support for legal entities’ data has been introduced for following countries: Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, United Arab Emirates.


  • A sign for used goods without the own photo but with a standard image has been added.


  • The size of the loaded static files was reduced, it shortens the loading time of website pages.
  • SEO tags and Open Graph markup have been added to brand pages.
  • SEO readiness of the second and subsequent pages of product groups catalogues has been improved.


  • Improvements to the PayKeeper payment system - an intermediate step with a payment button has been removed. Moreover, if TIN is filled in the client’s profile, then an object with information about the payer is transferred - data identity="Organization" и inn="TIN".
  • The settings of the Sberbank and Tinkoff payment systems have been improved.
  • New payment system for the UAE — Telr.


  • The POSITION_NUMBER_WITHOUT_SEPARATORS variable has been added for use in the “Order” and “Document for marked order items” printing forms.
  • Variables with information about the vehicle associated with the item have been added.
  • The “Invoice” printing form has been updated in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 2, 2021 № 534.

#abcp_payment #abcp_KOMTET

  • New settings have been added to the default receipt settings. Now you can specify “select manually” in the receipt settings for “Payment and receipt for orders” in order to avoid sending a receipt with an incorrect payment method (cash or non-cash).
  • The option “Taxation systems being used” has been added to “Control Panel - Settings - Cashier”. Previously selected taxation systems are marked with checks. If no taxation system has been previously selected, then all taxation systems will be turned on. If there are selected taxation systems that you do not use, then check the default receipt settings.
  • The process of sending checks via КОМТЕТ with manual verification and getting a successful status for online payment has been improved.
  • Now the field “Including from advance” in the “Control Panel - Orders - Orders processing” section is filled in automatically with the total receipt amount.
  • An additional “Additional receipt details” parameter has been added to “Sending a receipt from order processing” and “Sending a receipt from a separate order” forms for correcting an incorrectly executed receipt. The “Counter submission” option has been added to the “Payment” option in sending a receipt from one order.


  • Correspondence with a client from WhatsApp has been added to the profile.


  • New ORDER_POSITIONS_SUMM variable for “Change order status to: “ templates. The sum (quantity * sales price) of order items for which the status has been changed to ORDER_STATUS is transmitted to the variable.


  • Price update statistics now displays the number of uploaded items.
  • Processing the bulk errors from suppliers during the orders statuses synchronization. Synchronization will no longer be disabled en masse.
  • The appearance and data processing speed in the “Suppliers” section have been improved.
  • Settings for search results blocks have been added.
  • A new “Search: select goods of specified brands in a separate block” option has been added for search results. The value - a list of brands.
  • New online suppliers have been added:
  • VinDoc
  • GSA-Tuning

The End

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