Online booking form in a car service
A modern and convenient solution for Car Service Owners who want to make the best service of their customers
*No registration required for ABCP platform clients. Car service settings are available in the site control panel
Opportunities for car service:
- Booking schedule
- Various car service settings
- Customer information
- Notifications
- Car services branches support
- Easy integration with third party sites
Opportunities for customers:
- Easy booking form
- View the free time of the car service
- Booking and cancelling 24/7
- Booking confirmation by SMS
- Notifications about booking changing
- Reminders about the upcoming visit to the car service
You can install the "Car Service" module on your own website in 5 minutes
Just few steps:
- Fill in the car service information in Control Panel
- Copy JavaScript-code of widget
- Paste it in code of your site page
Sample embed code:
<script id="__4mc12345678">
(function(w, d, s) {
w.__4mcWidget = w.__4mcWidget || [];
w.__4mcWidget.push({t:'btn_carservice', r:5335540, c:43707, gid:50509711});
var i = d.createElement(s); i.type = 'text/javascript'; i.async = true;
i.charset='utf-8'; i.src='//';
var c = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; c.parentNode.insertBefore(i, c);
})(window, document, 'script');